Absolutely Amazing

I need to find out more about Ricardo Cortes! Really I do.  Jury Independence Illustrated is a new book written and illustrated by Ricardo Cortes. I think this book is revolutionary and can really change the way people view jury duty. Mr. Cortes writes:

"U.S. citizens are guaranteed the right to trial by jury when certain legal interests or liberties are at stake, and the law provides that all eligible citizens serve as jurors. It’s a meaningful role, although after receiving jury notice most of us hope to escape its obligation.

Jury Independence Illustrated is designed to excite and inform potential jurors to a specific, largely-unknown power they have – a transformative role that could radically shift the criminal justice system."

Interpreted, it means that while you also can protect society from criminals, you can also protect society from unjust, unfair laws as well.  According to his new book, "A jury can nullify a law that it believes unjust or wrongly applied to a defendant."  This makes me think back to a time where a person could receive more time for carrying one small amount of rock cocaine, then a person who committed a violent and often deadly crime.  Another thing that makes this book so revolutionary and so amazing, is Mr. Cortes is offering it to the public for free. It appears his only goal is to educate.  AWESOME, is it not? 

Download your copy today and then spread the word.

Source: Global Grind and RM Cortes.


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